On 20th Jan, Bangkok Immanuel Church welcomes 2 newcomers and total 12 peoples attend for the Sunday service in Immanuel Church and one of 2 newcomers is a Chinese Korean member and the other attendant is his friend and They are very glad to join to the Sunday service with Thailand church members.
On the service, minister of Bangkok Immanuel Church, Pastor Nahum delivered the message entitled ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ By the sermon, Pastor Nahum encourages members to be able to realize what is poor in spirit. It is a humble heart before God to follow the way of Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, Two newcomer B. Daniel and B. Anjun have the business now where Thai-Cambodia border is near and they took long travel to Bangkok for attending the Sunday service on this day and they shared “It is really thankful to see members in Thailand church, we can see the sacrifice of many missionaries for this church in here and it hopes that we can walk together to bring the revival of the mission in Thailand.
Thank God for the leading of the newcomers to be able to attend the Sunday service and may God lead the Thailand mission greatly so that there is a breakthrough for the evangelism.