OA Malaysia Concludes 2020 Easter Retreat Gracefully

Olivet Assembly of Malaysia (OAM) hold the two days Easter Retreat online with the theme “I am The Resurrection and The Life” taken from the book of John 11:25. YEF leaders in Penang and Immanuel Community Church members joined the retreat together.On 11 April, the Easter Retreat began with the opening service at 4 pm, Pastor James lead the members to read the bible from book of Luke chapter 23 to urged members understand and meditate about the meaning of the cross of Jesus. “We should walk the path of the cross in order to understand the deep meaning that was given to us in the bible.” He said.

Next, the bible study 1 was lead by Missionary Sharon, she urged the members to understand the deep suffering of Jesus on the path of cross both physically and mentally. He is willing to bear the cross is because of deep love and to save us from sin.

After the dinner, Missionary Helen begin to preach the bible study 2. She expressed that there is only one way to save ourselves, Jesus and the cross. later she lead the prayer meeting to pray for each and everyone spiritual grow and deep understand about the cross of Jesus.

On 12 April, OAP began the Easter Retreat Closing Service and Sunday Service at 10:30 am. Pastor Nahum encouraged members to walk the path of cross together with Jesus, without cross there is no resurrection and life. He said “Jesus was shown us the way, we should live for him.”

Lastly, all members began to pray together at 12 pm, which is the last day of our our 2nd 40 days prayer walk. They pray for every members, local mission and ministry growth, as well as Olivet Center in SEA region. May God bless Malaysian mission field, through online members can evangelize the prepare one by the guidance of Holy Spirit.