Cebu Gratia Church held a Prayer meeting, with a message titled, “Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind” from the book of Romans 12:2.
Leader Rachel of AM Philippines shared the Word during the Prayer Meeting. She Highlighted, “As one who’s born again, you’re not supposed to live like the rest of the world, don’t conform to their ways of doing things. For example, you might be in a place where people generally cheat or are dishonest or, posting trending pictures in social media. don’t imitate them. Don’t say, “But everybody is doing it” that everybody is doing it doesn’t make it okay. Besides, you’re not “everybody” you’re a new creation, you’re special, you’re one of a kind, you are a God kind of person. Worldly things are not for us, the Word of God has already revealed to us what we should think, talk, and act. All we need to do is to obey, so that we can live a righteous life.”
After sharing, they prayed for individual prayer topics for thirty minutes. And the prayer each one of them shared what God had revealed to them.
Cebu Church thanked God for the revelation they had received. May the Word of God transform their lives and renew their minds day by day.