Kuala Lumpur Immanuel Church held the Sunday service titled “Now the Son of Man is glorified” taken from John 13: 31-35.
By the grace of God, the movement control operation was lifted for Kuala Lumpur and we are able to back to the church for service, but we are still not allow to travel interstates, and we are still having an online service at the same time for other members who are not able to attend.
Pastor James shared that today Word was very deep and encouraged members to understand the deep world of Jesus when He facing the cross. A lot of time when we are facing difficulty or hardship in our life, we used to pointed to others thing in stead of checking ourselves deeply. Self-righteousness and do not repent always in our heart, this made us can’t understand the deep world of Jesus, who walked the path of cross for us.
He encouraged members to meditate deeply the Gospel of Jesus, which is cross and ressurection. The only way to taste it is by faith. We should inherit the faith of Jesus because it will bring us glory and victory like Him. Truly hope that this amazing world will be engraved in everyone’s hearts, and that everyone will become people who follow the path of the cross like Jesus.