The online Bible study was joined by 11 participants in total including the current member of Manila Immanuel church, amidst this, the difficult situation does not hinder each and everyone to join and commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ together.
But in the message, the preacher emphasized that during the experience of the cross, a true follower who believes in the resurrection of Jesus does not easily stop or avoid the situation of death but it comes in front of God to ask for comfort and strength.
Below are the reflection of the members:
“During this Easter retreat, I learned that we are to go and share the good news of faith with the world. We must follow Mary’s example to go and tell. Death is defeated through Jesus Christ. The light triumphed over the world and will always be”
“it was my first time to attend our community Easter retreat, and it was the time when I was given an opportunity to have a bible study. I felt so blessed, hearing and sharing the word of God. I once realized the love on the cross that God gave to us through His son Jesus. I was really touched by every activity though it was online, still, I received a lot of grace because I came to understand the meaning of resurrection, that it was all for me., an enemy of Christ but became a child of God through His unconditional love for me.”
“It was very graceful, very timely to meditate the path of the cross in this time of Easter Retreat. Many members are in difficult situations. Through the passage of suffering and the cross of the Lord, it gives hope that death is not death but it is a victory. Through the message once again the love of God reveal towards us. This time of suffering reminds me that we are not alone in this path but Lord Jesus Christ shows us the way how we will overcome everything with a victory.”