With the desire to understand deeper of the meaning of the Cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Olivet Assembly of Southeast Asia (OA SEA) churches gathered for retreats over the Easter weekend, March 29-31, 2024.
During the retreats, the attendants had the opportunity to study the Word intensively over a series of Bible lectures, especially regarding the Farewell Sermon of Christ and also the path that the Lord took toward the Cross; which was eventually followed by His resurrection that revealed His eternal life and hope to the world.
In addition to Bible lectures, there were also grace-filled time of prayer and sharing over small groups, as the attendants meditated deeply upon the lectures and poured out their hearts with repentance before the Lord.
May the active work of Holy Spirit witnessed across the Easter retreats remain in the hearts of every attendant as they seek to follow after the Lord’s path of the Cross daily overflowing with gratitude for the love of the Lord that was revealed to them on the Cross.