On July 15, members of Manila Immanuel meditated the book of Joshua 2:9-11 titled “The Faith of Rahab”.
The passage talks about the two spies sent by Joshua in the land of Canaan. Upon reaching there, the two spies entered the house of a woman named Rahab. Rahab hid the spies to protect them. She confessed the greatness of the Lord and that even though she has not seen all of it and she is a gentile woman, she has grown a great faith to the Lord.
It was exhorted in the message, “Believing without seeing is what we have to hold on. For when we could not believe for something that we cannot see, there is no faith within. May we have faith like Rahab that in times of twisted circumstances and difficult challenges do not forget that there is always someone beside you that will be your forever strength and that is God. Sometimes God will allow us to face such challenges for us not to feel burden but for us to feel the comfort that there is God who will help us and most especially, God is allowing that to happen because He wants us to grow our faith in Him.”
Through the passage, one member reflected, ” The passage today made me realize more that in every situation I faced in, I must look into this as my opportunity to become closer to God. Through this passage, I received the message of God that faith is believing even if you cannot see.”
With this may the Manila members received more abundant grace from the message of God and may they be the ones who believe only through seeing.