Calvary Church in Detroit is recruiting new volunteers for the Summer Program for teenage students in the neighborhood.
The program invites an age group from 1st grade until 8th grade. It will cover various contents such as math, music, language courses, sports and others to give diverse opportunities for teens to experience resourceful and educational materials.
The schedule will be announced in a printed brochure that the church is going to distribute in the community. The ministry is in discussion to set the date in the beginning of August and continue the program for two months.
The church is currently actively promoting the volunteer program in the University campus nearby to find Christian college students who understand the need and devote to teaching teens in the northwestern area of the city Detroit.
“Many teens are discouraged due to lack of care and opportunities to learn more profoundly and access educational materials and programs. The church wishes to help provide nourishing classes especially in summer season when many talented volunteer students are available thanks to summer vacation,” Pastor Kim said.
Calvary Church is in a partnership with Olivet Teen Mission, an organization focused on preaching gospel to middle and high schoolers. OTM is providing resources to strengthen Teen ministry in local churches.
The pastor of the church, located in African dominant area, stressed that there is a strong need to have better and enriching programs that teens can experience apart from their regular school program. The church wishes to respond to this call by actively launching them as a prayerful effort to prepare new future.